Sunday, 6 January 2013

Cake Pop Dilemma

ok, so for Christmas my friend bought me a cakepop maker so i thought i'd give it a go. the cakes came out perfect but then i had some difficulties decorating them and getting the sticks to stay.
I think i know the problem with the sticks, i was using candy melts instead of chocolate to hold them ... ooppss well we all learn!

But i still don't know why ny icing wouldnt stay. i made it really thick but everything just went wrong  :(

also i dont know how to keep them upright while.they dry.

if anyone has any tips please comment and let me know, would be so grateful :)

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Catch Up on Cakes

sorry that I haven't posted in a while but here are a few cake i have made recently...
below are the chocolate filled, hot chocolate cupcakes I made for my boyfriend's birthday using recipies from the hummingbird bakery cookbook...

the second picture is the white chocolate and popping candy cupcakes i made for new years eve, these were a little trial and error as the moistire from the cake affects the popping candy